Htilominlo Temple
( 13 Century / King Zeyathein Kha )
One of the pure Myanmar style temple and this temple is famous for beautiful stucco carving and original frescco painting from the 13th century and built by Htilominlo or Zeya Thein kha.
Square corridor are 140ft each side and the temple is about 140 meters high.
According to traditional Htilominlo was chosen to be the next King our of the five sons of King Narapati Sithu. The King invited all the audience and the five sons was stand in a circle with a white umbrea in the middle. When the umbrella would tilt amd point towards one of the sons, that son selected to be the next King. As the umbrella pointed towards Htilominlo and he was chosen. It is said that the Htilominlo temple was built on the spot where he was selected as the next King.
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